Customer groups
The aim of manufacturers is to produce and commission rail vehicles in high quality and under the agreed conditions. Increasing demands on product performance and ever more demanding laws and approval regulations must be met. We are ready to support these tasks with our “TRain experts” and our “cenTRal workshop rail” in the construction of new vehicles.
The different purposes of use and the respective infrastructure stand in the way of a general standardization of regional rail vehicles. The evaluation of vehicles, planning, conversion and refurbishment measures with consideration of the Life Cycling Costs (LCC) are important due to the “long” life cycle. We ensure the careful planning and implementation of the modernization of the vehicle fleet through our “mobile TRain maintenance” division.
According to Section 4a of the General Railway Act (AEG), railroads and keepers of railroad vehicles are responsible for the maintenance of their vehicles. They can either perform this task themselves or transfer it by contract to an entity in charge of maintenance (ECM). As an ECM 4 certified company, we are ready to carry out these tasks.
Suppliers to the rail industry are obliged to ensure that their technical systems meet the RAMS requirements, i.e. to guarantee reliability, availability, maintainability and safety in accordance with standards. As TR, we can install the products as prototypes and in series in the vehicles, put them into operation and take over the warranty and service tasks.
TR is not just a vehicle specialist. In the future, we will not only be out and about on the tracks, but will also support the railroad infrastructure in terms of craftsmanship and technology. As part of the expansion of high-performance lines, we will be installing signal boxes, signals, induction fuses, balises and points. This is a logical expansion of our expertise and serves the qualitative expansion of our rail network.
As a technology partner, we provide support for the electrification and expansion of building technology.